Lone working

Being a PA you will more than likely be working on your own, it is important to make sure you let someone know where you are working and more importantly have a mobile phone on you at all times. It is advisable to complete a lone working risk assessment prior to commencing work. (please refer to document….)

Performance appraisal or supervision

It is important to have clear outcomes when working with an individual. This will be set out in the terms of agreement when you commencing the employment. Your employer may want to review these outcomes and talk about how it is progressing. This process should be a positive two way discussing whereby you will be able to come up with new goals / outcomes. It is important that these conversations are written down. (Please refer to terms of agreement and the review notes. )


Within the role you need to identify if the people whom you support are at risk of or suffering from any form of abuse. You will receive training to identify and report this abuse, as paid support you have a duty of care to report any concerns which you have.

Social Care Direct (to report abuse)

Tel: 020 8359 5000

Out of hour’s service – Tel: 020 8359 2000 Email: socialcaredirect@barnet.gov.uk