A PA is usually employed by people who are directing their own care through a direct payment or individual budgets from the local authority, or are funding their own support. This is about a person having control over their own life, by employing their own staff and organising their own services. These types of employers are often referred to as ‘individual employers’.

For many individuals they will receive funding through their local authority (Barnet), they will have a fixed about on money to spend on the support that they require. They will then be able to choose who they want to provide this support.

Personal assistants can be employed directly by one employer, can work for a number of different people or could be self-employed.

Individual employers have employer’s liability insurance and where necessary are registered with HMRC. Individual employers should also offer the necessary training to do the duties required.

What does the role of a personal assistant involve?

The job can be very flexible, offering part-time and full time work on different days and at different times. Some people become a personal assistant part time whilst also working in an entirely different job.

The role is suitable for people from all walks of life, from someone in college who may only want to work evening or weekends, to someone who is retired and may only want a few hours a week. We hopefully will be able to match you to someone who has similar likes and dislikes. You both will have the options to continue working with each other.